Roguewares have been in the world wide web for quite some time. One of the local daily carried a report regarding this malicious code written to infiltrate victim computers. Their modus operandi is simple. When you accidentally landed at this malicious site, a screen will pop up or you will receive warning messages that your computer is effected by certain virus, trojan or spywares. Then they would ask you to download an antivirus program. Sometimes they code would virtually take control of your computer unless you shut down your IE with Task Manager. The website would take control no matter if you click yes or no to download the antivirus program. Before they allow you to download the program, the website would ask you for your credit card details. Users or victims who panic would ended up losing their money. Even if they don't ask you for credit card payment details, the downloaded code or antivirus program would gather sensitive data from the victim's computer and send them back to the syndicate. They normally target passwords and bank account details.
If you encounter these type of website, just open your task manager and shut down your IE. Then clear all your cookies without connecting to the internet, then run a virus scan. Hope this post helps!
5 weeks ago
Thanks for the tip! I'm so scared of these things.... Wouldn't want to accept/open/download anything that appears on my screen, don't care good or bad.
Internet is getting too sophisticated and the bad guys just know how to get the victims. Thankz for the tip.
wah wah....dangerous virus ler...i always kena hit with this stupid malware virus...even visiting some bogus blogsite...
The best is don't go to those unknown website.
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