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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Condom Sales In Korea Up 5 Fold During World Cup Season

I have just read in the news that condom sales in Korea was up by 5 fold ever since the world cup in Greece opening night. I am still wondering how to relate sex with the soccer games? Ok, both are made from rubbers; soccer ball, rubber inside and leather outside and condoms from natural rubbers. Probably this is the only similarity. So is it that watching soccer can make a person horny? Luckilly I am not a football fan! wa ka ka ka......


suituapui said...

I wonder what the connection is? Football turns people on? Or having to stay awake to wait for the matches, they might as well make good use of the time?

[SK] said...

because many goes to pubs to watch football, and with the help of the alcohol and the high emotion from the matches, this could easily get the people into sex.. but glad that they still practise safe sex~~ :)

khengsiong said...

Maybe Korean women celebrate the victory of their team by 'giving up' their bodies...

fufu said...

hahaha... i gotta go to korea 4yrs later...lmao

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